

April 1, 2009

Pure Cow’s Milk (Pastuerized and Homogenized)

What is Davao Dairy Best

img_0450Davao Dairy Best is the brand name of the only real fresh cow’s milk in the locality that comes in various flavors. It is produced by the Federation of Davao Dairy Farmers Cooperative processed at the Davao Milk Processing Plant in Malagos, Baguio District, Davao City.

Did you know that MILK could lower your colesterol?

Recent findings about milk with all its saturated fat and cholesterol – – reveal that it can lower your blood cholesterol. In the early nutritionist and biochemist Dr. George V. Mann conducted studies with the Masai tribe in Africa.

The Masai’s diet are high in cholesterol yet heart disease is non-existent in their society. The reason? The typical Masai tribesman consumes 4 to 5 quarts of fermented whole milk each day and engages in daily strenuous activities.  So the consumption of Milk, yogurt and butter – – plus regular exercise may be better for your heart than you think.
